3D CEMBS Model
The numerical ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea 3D CEMBS allows tracking time and space changes of physical and biogeochemical parameters of the marine environment. An essential element of this project is to develop numerical methods for predicting the emergence of threats to our coastal area (for example, blooms of algae, sea surface height changes, ice cover reach, and others), which will become a modern tool that can help in managing the environment. The diagnosis of the processes in this project is not only important from the scientific point of view but also allows a deeper understanding of the Baltic ecosystem functioning.
It is also of a great importance for this group of people, which plans to spend free time near our coast. Operational model allows the information flow about the state of the marine environment in real-time, and 60 hours in advance. The effects of the proposed project can become a potent tool for policymakers and local authorities, especially in emergency situations.
Calculations were carried out on cluster Tryton at the Academic Computer Center in Gdańsk.
Atmospheric forcing used in simulations was made available free of charge by ICM - University of Warsaw.
Satellite SST assimilation conducted by courtesy of SatBałtyk - Satellite Environment Control of Baltic Sea.
This work was carried out in support of grant No NN305 111636 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

WaterPuck is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development within BIOSTRATEG III Programme "Natural environment, agriculture and forestry".

FindFish is financed by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund contract No. RPPM.01.01.01-22-0025/16-00.